Unicancer network of
French Comprehensive
Cancer Centres

Unicancer is the only French hospital network 100%
dedicated to the fight against cancer. It brings
together the 18 French Comprehensive
Cancer Centres and 2 affiliated centres.

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A unique
patient care model

Our network offers a cancer care model that combines excellence, humanism, solidarity, and innovation.

French Comprehensive Cancer Centres

Stimulating research
and innovation

We are committed to offering patients the best possible treatment, adapted to their cancer type, and at the forefront of medical progress, research and technology

Access the Unicancer Research website

The excellence
of care

We are more than 21,000 people committed to serving patients
on a daily basis, in a pursuit of excellence
in care, research, and professional education.

Our values and missions

An ambitious
strategy to serve

Together, we are working to ensure that patients are involved
in their own healthcare pathway and benefit from the best treatments available.

Our strategy and commitments

Learn more about Unicancer,
the federation 100% dedicated to the fight
against cancer.

About us

Unicancer is the federation of French comprehensive cancer centres (Fcccs) a major player in oncology research and a network of 20 health centres specialised in cancer care.

Our centres

Find the nearest Centre
View the interactive map of
our health care centres in your area.
Access the interactive map
of our health centres
in France