By investing in training, the French comprehensive cancer centres (Fcccs) in our network provide their staff with the essential tools to further their career.
Find out the list of our Centres’ training courses
Three complementary missions
Other than the missions to treat and research cancer, the French comprehensive cancer centres (Fcccs) have a teaching mission. This interdisciplinary approach provides employees in our network with 360° training which leads to better care for patients.
Fcccs are the French employers in the non-profit, private health sector who invest the most in continuous professional training, to ensure the latest knowledge is included in daily practices. This extensive training offer enables know-how and experiences to be passed on not only to students or trainees, but also to professionals wishing to go further in their career, in the aim of improving the quality of our services.
All the Centres in our network:
- Are involved in the initial university training of healthcare professionals, in collaboration with the university and the healthcare facilities
- Offer continuous training to medical and paramedical professionals, within and outside the centres
An interdisciplinary approach
The themes addressed during these trainings derive from the Unicancer network’s unique patient care and organisational model based on multidisciplinarity, comprehensive patient management and the research-care continuum, included in the French National cancer plans since 2003. They cover:
- The cancers treated in the Centres
- New treatment techniques that can be used
- Supportive care and palliative care
- Onco-psychological care for the patient and those accompanying him/her
- Good practices: announcement consultation, health education and/or therapeutic education