Unicancer provides support to expert groups responsible for addressing questions on therapeutic strategies and research.

IUCT Oncopole – Institut Claudius Regaud
31059 Toulouse cedex 9
Tél : 05 31 15 50 50
Fax : 05 31 15 52 90
by HAS - French High Authority of Health
of the patient Overall score
of hospitalized patients
of the patient Overall score
of patients admitted for outpatient surgery
Since 2014, the IUCT-Oncopole brings together the expertise and excellence of Institut Claudius Regaud cancer centre and several oncology departments at Toulouse university hospital. They form the Oncopole site, certified Comprehensive Cancer Center by the Organisation of European of Cancer Institutes, along with the Toulouse oncology research centre (Centre de recherches en cancérologie de Toulouse – CRCT). More than 2,000 professionals place their know-how at the service of treatment, research and teaching in oncology.

The strength of this model, pioneer in France, relies on the pooling of the skills of the medical and research teams, working daily so that patients can benefit from a state-of-the-art comprehensive treatment offer. Most of the fundamental and translational research teams are managed by the medical and scientific expert corps, a powerful driver for innovation for the treatment-research continuum. It takes less than 6 months for a finding to be translated into a clinical trial at the CRCT. In collaboration with Toulouse III University – Paul Sabatier, the IUCT-Oncopole successfully leads its teaching and training mission. It is associated with 14 masters courses and 9 UD/IUD, and welcomes more than 200 interns and 65 PhD students each year.
Global patient management benefits continually from innovative supportive care projects, post-cancer, exercise and cancer and quality-of-life initiatives.
The IUCT-Oncopole is located at the heart of the Santé du futur campus bringing together private and public stakeholders invested in the fight against cancer. Together with the IUCT-Purpan and the IUCT Rangueil-Larrey at Toulouse university hospital, they offer comprehensive and innovative public healthcare, distributed over separate 3 sites.
Types of cancer treated
Cancers hématologiques
Cancer du sein
Cancers gynécologiques
Cancers de la sphère ORL
Tumeurs cutanées
Cancers urologiques
Cancer de la thyroïde et parathyroïde
Tumeurs neuro-endocrines
Thérapies ciblées
Radiologie interventionnelle
Greffe de moelle osseuse
Car-T cells
Soins de support
Training courses
Formation universitaire avec l’Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
14 masters et 9 DU et DIU associés
Formation continue :
– PRISE en charge thérapeutique et parcours de soins
– Magerie et radiothérapie
– Pharmacologie et ingénierie biomédicale
Réunions régionales pour les professionnels avec le réseau Onco-Occitanie