Help & Accessibility

Accessibility declaration

Unicancer is committed to helping you use its website
In order to facilitate your use of our site, we respect web standards as well as good practices in terms of development, navigation and structuring of our content.
We follow the evolution of the main browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari).
Our site can be viewed on all screens (tablet, mobile, computer).
À cette fin, elle met en œuvre la stratégie et les actions suivantes :
- Schéma pluriannuel de mise en accessibilité 2020-2022 [url],
- Actions réalisées en 2019-2020 [url],
- Plan d’actions 2020-2021 [url].
Cette déclaration d’accessibilité s’applique à [].

Find your way around the website

On each page of the site, you will find the following elements:
- the Unicancer logo, which allows you to return to the home page,
- a navigation menu giving you access to the site's sections,
- a search engine,
- a breadcrumb trail, which follows the site's tree structure and will help you find your way around.

Information and contacts

The Unicancer website has been designed and developed by the company All Contents.
If you cannot access a content or a service, you can contact us to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.
Nous contacter