Unicancer widely contributed to the French ten-year strategy against cancer, revealed by the Institut National du Cancer on February 4th, 2021. Discover our 46 proposals to make progress in the fight against cancer.

“Our priority is to reduce inequalities by facilitating access for all patients to innovation and molecular diagnostic procedures; by generalising multidisciplinary tumour boards and by orienting patients who can benefit from a clinical trial”
Sophie Beaupère, Unicancer CEO
A ground for innovation
Over the years, French comprehensive cancer centres have widely contributed to the creation and implementation of the successive cancer plans. Our network is a formidable field of therapeutic, technological and organisational innovations: not only have the Centres been at the origin of numerous initiatives generalised by these Plans, but they have also been privileged partners for many new experimental projects.
It was therefore essential that the new “ten-year strategy against cancer 2021-2031” led by the Institut national du cancer (INCa) and co-constructed with all French healthcare players, is in line with the continuity of previous Cancer Plans, acknowledges the challenges that have emerged over the past few years, and anticipate developments in cancer care.
Our contribution
During the symposium on June 30th, 2020, Unicancer revealed its proposals as part of the ten-year cancer strategy. Our 46 proposals listed in this document are based around five priority areas of work, that we consider to be a priority in order to reach new milestones based on the technological revolutions underway:
- Improve prevention and screening
- Improve the quality-of-life of patients treated for cancer and prevent the long-term effects and sequellae
- Make progress in the field of cancers with unfavourable prognosis
- Reduce inequalities in access to treatment
- Develop an ambitious and innovative research policy with new levers (financial, regulatory)
Our contribution to the French strategy 2021-2031 for the fight against cancer (in French)
The strategy was officially launched by the President of the French Republic on February 4th, 2021. Unicancer and its network contributed to the genesis of a long-term strategy, which will enable real progress in the fight against cancer. We welcome the substantial increase in resources allocated, the priority given to prevention and the desire to simplify procedures in the field of research and innovation (Unicancer press release on 04/02/2021, in French).

Unicancer’s proposals complete those already put forward for the “Ségur de la santé” and also fuel thinking on the “Multiannual Research Programming Law” (loi de programmation pluriannuelle de la recherche – LPPR).